

151 Uppsatser om Restraint in the right of disposition - Sida 1 av 11

Inverkan av tvång i gjutfogar och i betongkonstruktioner på
elastiskt underlag: Influence of Restraint in Casting Joints
and in Concrete Structures on Resilient Foundation

In this report, the risk of cracking in joints and/in adjacent concrete is estimated by checking shear forces in joints and the ratio between the actual maximum principal stress ant the actual strength of the concrete. The shear force has been estimated both by simple methods as well as by two-dimensional calculations. The risk of cracking in the concrete and/or in the joints is estimated with the computer program ConStre. The restraint from a resilient foundation or rock on a young concrete construction is estimated by a simple method that is exemplified. It is shown that the restraint can be neglected in some cases.

Övervakning vid allmän anestesi och stående ingrepp på häst

The purpose of this literature study was to describe techniques for monitoring general anesthesia and standing chemical restraint in the horse. A number of various techniques and devices related to e.g. blood pressure measurement, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry are defined, and finally their clinical relevance and reliability are discussed. The equine patient is generally far more exposed to anesthesia-related risks than other smaller species. Complications such as hypotension and hypercapnia are commonly seen during general anesthesia. Thus, close monitoring is essentially performed by the veterinary nurse, whom is responsible for monitoring the anesthetized patient.

Utomhuspedagogik : Tvång eller tillgång

This paper is a study about outdoor education in pre- school. The main purpose is to look over if outdoor education in pre- school is a restraint or a resource. The study is based on two questionnaires, one to personnel in pre- school and one to parents who have children in pre- school. The study showed that outdoor education is mostly viewed to be a resource but there can be some problems in how to use it. Time, planning and knowledge were problems that were often mentioned by teachers.

Hanteringsmetoder av reptiler på djursjukhus med hänsyn till stress och skaderisker

It is popular to keep reptiles as pets in Swedish households. The number of households reporting reptile ownership is more than 15 000 (SCB, 2006). This means that a veterinary practice should consider how to take care of reptiles as patients. The aim of this study was to examine literature and studies concerning safe handling and restraint of reptiles as well as the effects of acute and long term stress response and to suggest a simplified plan for handling reptiles in a veterinary practice. The result of literary studies is that common recommendations for safe handling and restraint of reptiles is based on old techniques and experiences from safe handling of wild animals. The main concern is safety for the veterinary nurse and for the reptile. Stress studies indicate that acute stress response is not harmful for the animal i long term. On the other hand studies of the effect of prolonged stress are not conclusive.

Förmånsbeskattning av terminer : De skatterättsliga konsekvenserna av terminsavtal i incitamentsprogram

Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda två skatterättsliga frågor som uppkommit i samband med ett avvisat avgörande från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen avseende terminsavtal i ett incitamentsprogram. Frågorna är om terminer och terminsavtal utgör värdepapper och om eventuella förfoganderättsinskränkningar i dessa avtal har betydelse för förmånsbeskattningen. Utgångspunkten i uppsatsen är beslutet från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen som avvisades och det därtill hörande förhandsbeskedet från Skatterättsnämnden.Utifrån de diskussioner som förts i uppsatsen kan författaren konstatera att terminer och terminsavtal kan klassificeras som värdepapper. Begreppet värdepapper är inte definierat i lagtext men utifrån praxis och doktrin samt viss EU-lagstiftning kan det utläsas att terminsavtal uppfyller de krav som ställs på en klassificering som värdepapper. När det gäller beskattning av en förmån krävs det att den anställde förvärvar ett värdepapper, annars utgör rättigheten en personaloption.Författaren anser att då ett terminsavtal ingår i ett incitamentsprogram så representerar det ett ekonomiskt värde för den anställde som ska förmånsbeskattas.

Sambandet mellan att beröras av andras känslor och att vara kritisk disponerad

Begreppet kritisk tänkande har breddats genom att fler aspekter börjar accepteras. Den emotionella aspekten sägs ingå i den nya synen. Med denna teoretiska bakgrund var syftet att undersöka om det fanns ett positivt samband mellan kritisk disposition, det vill säga att ha en reflekterande inställning över sin omgivning, och emotionell empati på 55 gymnasieelever. Studiens deltagare var lämpliga därför att läroplanen innefattade dessa begrepp samt att skolan är en fas i livet som alla ska genomföra. Resultaten bekräftade inte sambandet men uppvisade att kvinnorna hade högre värden än männen i emotionell empati medan det inte var någon skillnad i kritisk disposition mellan könen.

"Vem bryr sig" : - påverkas empati av personlighet, träning eller situation?

Studiens syfte var att underso?ka om fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r empati i form av personlig disposition och aktuell situation samverkar med empatiska processer fo?r att ge ett emotionellt utfall.Blivande behandlare (n=90) och specialpedagoger / specialla?rare (n=50) fick se filmer och besvara fra?geformula?r baserade pa? IRI och MACL. Stiganalys gjordes med hja?lp av SEM i SPSS/AMOS. Resultaten visade att empatisk disposition och empatiska processer tillsammans predicerar medka?nsla.

Rolighetens politik : en studie av politisk humor i TV4:s Parlamentet

Words like pirates and anti-pirates are becoming common features in the cultural political debate of today, and the file-sharing phenomenon has become a more and more delicate and disputed subject. The fact that people are organizing in networks to swap computerfiles with each other has, among other things, led film and music companies from all over the world to initiate a number of anti-piracy organizations, assigned to protect the right to culture and information. The industrial organization Antipiratbyrån (the Anti-pirate Bureau) and the network Piratbyrån (the Pirate Bureau) have on several occasions been used to represent the prevailing conflict in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to apply a sociological perspective to the collective act of file sharing. Additionally, the purpose is to argue that the activity can be understood as a social movement, although it is rarely referred to as such.

"Sharing is caring" : Om Piratbyrån och kognitiv praxis i en ny social rörelse

Words like pirates and anti-pirates are becoming common features in the cultural political debate of today, and the file-sharing phenomenon has become a more and more delicate and disputed subject. The fact that people are organizing in networks to swap computerfiles with each other has, among other things, led film and music companies from all over the world to initiate a number of anti-piracy organizations, assigned to protect the right to culture and information. The industrial organization Antipiratbyrån (the Anti-pirate Bureau) and the network Piratbyrån (the Pirate Bureau) have on several occasions been used to represent the prevailing conflict in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to apply a sociological perspective to the collective act of file sharing. Additionally, the purpose is to argue that the activity can be understood as a social movement, although it is rarely referred to as such.

Judisk syn på Livet efter detta

In this essay I have tried to describe the rich tradition of thoughts about the afterlife in Judaism. The first part contains litterary studies and the second part is based on interviews with religious representatives. The first part is a description of the progress of thought in history around the issue afterlife. The sources reveal a vast amount of intellectual work on the issue. I have tried to follow the path of thought, and how it developed, so that the reader can see how one thought leads to the other but also how each period?s way of thinking is influnced by its context.

Tyck och skriv : En studie i skriftlig argumentation på teknik- och energiprogrammet på gymnasiet

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om språkkunskaperna i svenskämnet skiljer sig mellan eleverna på det studieförberedande teknikprogrammet och eleverna på det yrkesförberedande energiprogrammet. Forskningsfrågan är därmed: Varför uppfattas elevernas språkkunskaper och språkfärdigheter vara så olika på gymnasieprogrammen?Eleverna i studien fick 30 minuter på sig att skriva en argumenterande text. Dessa texter har jag sedan jämfört med hjälp av variabler som lexikogrammatik (ordval, stavning, särskrivning, meningsbyggnad), textegenskaper (argumentation, disposition, textlängd, stil) och elevens bakgrund (föräldrars utbildningsnivå och elevens bostadsort). Jag har också intervjuat den svensklärare som undervisar i båda klasserna och delat ut enkäter bland andra svensklärare på skolan med frågor som bland annat behandlar hur de bedriver sin svenskundervisning och huruvida de anser att det finns skillnader mellan programmen i elevernas brukstexter.Resultaten av lärarintervju och lärarenkät (där 5 av 6 lärare undervisar på både studieförberedande och yrkesförberedande program) visar att lärarna tycker att det finns en skillnad mellan elevers texter beroende på vilket program de går.

Textanalys i fritt skrivande år 1-6 : Funktion, disposition, sammanhang och språk i elevtexter

Detta är en longitudinell studie om fyra elevers skrivutveckling. Studien har pågått under elevernas sex första skolår. Syftet är att undersöka hur de kan utvecklas i sitt fria skrivande. Det har gjorts genom att studera elevernas texter, en från varje år. I denna textanalys har olika dimensioner studerats som funktion, disposition, sammanhang och språk.Resultatet visar en process där eleverna lär sig olika moment vid varierande tillfällen även om undervisningen ofta är lika för de flesta eleverna.

Den anglosaxiska trusten : En analys av en förmånstagares beskattningskonsekvenser av trustegendom som utgörs av aktier

The Anglo-Saxon trust is not a new phenomenon, but existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The concept is customary among common-law countries, such as England the US,but unfamiliar to civil-law countries like Sweden. The person who creates the trust is called a settlor, the one who holds and administer the property is a trustee and the person who benefits from the settlement is called a beneficiary.In Sweden there is no legislation of how the trust ought to be assessed, but the need to understand it has probably increased with the internationalization.The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has had a few opportunities to elucidate some of the uncertainties regarding trusts, but chose to abstain. With this The Swedish Tax Panel has very limited guidance from the court when they receive an application of an advance notice.A trust is not a legal entity nor a tax subject. This differs the trust from a foundation and they can not be placed on an equality from a Swedish tax perspective.In an advance notice, 2010-03-23 (dnr 103-09/D) om Inkomstskatt: Inkomst av tjänst ? värdepappersförmån, the Swedish Tax Panel equalizes the trust property with shares when determining how to tax the assets.

Boktips från biblioteket: En kvalitativ textanalys utifrån Boktips.net

In this Master's Thesis a rhetorical analysis is applied to reading suggestions in the database Boktips.net. Boktips.net utilize the Internet for readers advisory by offering public libraries in Sweden to use and participate to its contents. The aim is to examine how library staff writes about literature in Boktips.net. The empirical material is delimited to reading suggestions on fiction for adults. Areas in focus of the analysis are rhetorical context, disposition, style and components from the point of view of content: summary, evaluation on portrayal of characters and setting, narrative, language use, genre and themes, entertainment, insights and external information.

Patenträtt : En förbränningsmotors patenterbarhet

The Anglo-Saxon trust is not a new phenomenon, but existed as early as in the Middle Ages. The concept is customary among common-law countries, such as England the US,but unfamiliar to civil-law countries like Sweden. The person who creates the trust is called a settlor, the one who holds and administer the property is a trustee and the person who benefits from the settlement is called a beneficiary.In Sweden there is no legislation of how the trust ought to be assessed, but the need to understand it has probably increased with the internationalization.The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has had a few opportunities to elucidate some of the uncertainties regarding trusts, but chose to abstain. With this The Swedish Tax Panel has very limited guidance from the court when they receive an application of an advance notice.A trust is not a legal entity nor a tax subject. This differs the trust from a foundation and they can not be placed on an equality from a Swedish tax perspective.In an advance notice, 2010-03-23 (dnr 103-09/D) om Inkomstskatt: Inkomst av tjänst ? värdepappersförmån, the Swedish Tax Panel equalizes the trust property with shares when determining how to tax the assets.

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